Christmas Cheer...

After last night's adventures in Seattle Children's ER, we were starting to feel (more) stressed, especially with Christmas coming up. (I'll tag the post on Evanna's FB page after her nap...I'm posting this from my phone, laying with her).

I've written before about it, but this past year has been tough in a lot of ways. Good, but tough.

Some people have really stepped in to remind us they care and to love on the kids this Christmas (all of us, actually). We caught one this morning (ok, I--Scott--knew) because of the timing of JoAnn and Evanna getting back from the hospital, leaving these on our doorstep (plus the one on the left edge that can't stand on its own becauseof its odd shape).

But there's another one...a friend of Mika's who doesn't even live near us, who is in university in Canada, loved on us too.

And yes, we know quite well that Christmas isn't about the presents. But it is about love, and rather than feeling isolated this year, we feel loved.