Second Opinions

second opinion

One of the lessons we try to convey to other parents is the need for them to become their child's biggest advocate for care. While there have been huge advances in the past 30 years in regard to spina bifida treatment, they will undoubtedly run into healthcare professionals that aren't in the specialty fields, and even within those fields (and this may come as a shock to some, but it's an entire 'nother post at some point) doctors and nurses aren't always right, whether it be from lack of experience, or lack of training, or prejudice toward what they do know, or sometimes even more importantly...they do not know your child the way you do.

Tomorrow's an important day for us. We travel to another hospital to see specialists for a second opinion. Tomorrow's is regarding neurosurgery, and specifically getting a second opinion as to whether further decompression surgery would help Evanna (her previous decompression surgery was only a partial, and helped tremendously).