These are a Few of My Favorite Things

(To the tune of the song, please sing along.)

Tickles on my knees
And kicking my toes-es
Talking and eating and drinking large doses
Sitting and standing to reach for fun things
Skills my growth spurt or recovery brings

Something clicked. It might be a growth spurt. It might be that Evanna reached the magical point in which she has fully recovered from detethering. Whatever it is, she has suddenly taken a HUGE leap in development...and I mean HUGE.

In the past two weeks, she:

-- Learned to count to ten without assistance.

-- Started using complete 3-4 word sentences on occasion.

-- Started pulling herself from sitting on a bench to standing during PT and OT

-- Climbed our stairs to the second floor for the first time (with help)

-- Begun spending a significant amount of time crawling on her hands and knees and pulling herself to kneel on her knees

-- Started being able to push herself backwards on a ride on toy or scooter board at therapy.

--Started pulling herself forward with her feet on a ride on toy or scooter board at PT (the last two attempts seemed like she has zero ability to use the muscles that do this).

-- Gone from eating 5-6 tiny pea sized bites to eating a third of her small quesadilla.

-- Gone from drinking no more than 2-3 tiny sips of thickened liquids to finishing off 6oz of warm cocoa.

-- Stealing her water bottle and helping herself to some water without aspirating nearly every time, and coughing appropriately the one time she did aspirate.

--Playing with more confidence and strength.