Be Joyful!
We've been pretty open about the difficulties of the past 15 months...but I see these pictures and could not imagine life without her. She is ... -
Special Needs Trust
The next big step for Evanna is the creation of a Special Needs Trust, which is a legal means that allows a disabled person to ... -
The Little Things That Aren't...
A binky and a shape block...that's all they are, right? Nope. In a way they are like reminders of God's goodness. Yesterday I was joking ... -
Christmas Cheer...
After last night's adventures in Seattle Children's ER, we were starting to feel (more) stressed, especially with Christmas coming up. (I'll tag the post on ... -
This Christmas...
...remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.' (Acts 20:35b) We’ve all heard ... -
She's a Fighter...
This picture was a later in the day of Evanna's birth, just back from surgery to close her back and place her shunt. JoAnn was ... -
Spina Bifida Awareness Month!
October is Spina Bifida Awareness Month. You can read more about what spina bifida is by going to What is...? on the navigation menu, then ... -
What's in a Name?
Friday is this little beauty's birthday. There is so much to celebrate, so many little and so many major things. It's been quite a year. ... -
The First of the Second Opinions...
Today's first second opinion visit took us to Doernbecher Children's Hospital in Portland, where we met with PT, neurosurgery, and the head of the spina ...