Spina Bifida Awareness Month!

spina bifida awareness

October is Spina Bifida Awareness Month.

You can read more about what spina bifida is by going to What is...? on the navigation menu, then selecting Spina Bifida from the submenu...or by clicking here.

One of the reasons for Evanna's site and Facebook page is to bring awareness about spina bifida not just in the sterility of medical terms, but to help give a sense of what her life is actually like living with spina bifida. The medical explanations keep it at arm's length--we want you to come closer. We want you to see the person, not the defect or disability. We want you to see not just the pain, and the surgeries, and the struggles, but see the joy of her smile, the sparkle in her eyes, experience her sense of humor, and know her love. Those things you cannot do at arm's length.

Come closer.

And if you're not already following her journey on Facebook, click the link above or the icon in the header to go there, and Like and Share the page!